If you are a planner person like I am, I hope you’ll be blessed by this 11 page free personal planner pack! It includes a variety of printables to use within planner. You could easily print these out and put them in a binder or even use a coil binder to make your own planner. I’m going to leave these up on the blog for free through the end of February 2020. After that, you can subscribe to get access to these for free (and all of our freebies)!
The planner package includes a cute cover.
You’ll also find a free one-page 2020 printable calendar.
There is a monthly calendar where you can add your own dates.
This daily planner allows you to track appointments, to-do list, meal plan, priorities, and more.
Get a “Things to Do” list with sections for each day of the week.
There is also a shopping list to help you keep track of what groceries and household items you need.
If you are working on budgeting, this bill tracker can help you move in the right direction!
There is also a place to keep track of your important contacts.
Last, but not least, is a password tracker. I highly recommend keeping it in a safe place!
There you have it! Eleven free personal planner pages just for you! I hope you are able to use them and find them helpful.
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