If you are looking for a fun Easter activity to do with your kids, this Build A Bunny Playdoh activity will keep them busy for a while. You can just use store-bought playdough, but getting your kids to cook with you is a great way for them to practice math…and for you to practice patience! Ask me how I know this… 🙂
This activity has two parts. The first is making the actual playdough. The second part is making the bunnies and “building” them. Have fun and make some memories with your kids!

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar
- 1 cup water
- 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
- 2-3 drops pink or red food coloring
- 2-3 drops blue food coloring

1. Add the flour, salt and cream of tartar to a medium mixing bowl. Whisk to combine the ingredients and set aside.

2. Add the water and oil to a medium sauce pan. Heat until boiling and then remove from heat.

3. Immediately, add the dry ingredients and stir constantly until a large lump of dough forms. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing the dough from the saucepan.

4. Place the dough on a flat workspace and knead for 5 minutes or until soft and pliable.

5. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Place one part into a sealed plastic bag until ready to use.
5. Add pink food coloring to one piece of dough and blue food coloring to the remaining piece. (It’s OK to use red food coloring if you don’t have pink because mixing the red coloring with the white dough will give you a pink tint).

6. Place each piece of dough in separate sealed plastic bags. Knead each bag until the colors are distributed evenly through out the dough. You don’t HAVE to knead the dough in plastic bags but it definitely is less messy for little hands!
7. Store your playdough in airtight, sealed plastic bags for up to 2 weeks.

- Mini rolling pin
- Kids scissors
- Pink, blue and white DIY playdough
- Bunny face cookie cutter (or freehand it)
- Googly eyes
- Pom poms
- Pipe cleaners

1. Use a mini rolling pin to roll out and flatten your playdough.

2. Create pink and blue bunny face shapes using your cookie cutter.

3. You can use the white playdough to shape and create inner ears for each bunny.

4. Add googly eyes, pom poms for the nose and pipe cleaner pieces for the whiskers and mouth.
This is a great Easter sensory and fine motor activity that your kids will love! Have fun making these Build A Bunny Playdough creations!
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